(Used to be) Living in Luleåland

Saturday, November 25, 2006


For scaring the moose away?

Sorry about the lull in posts, but things have been really busy lately, both at work and otherwise, and as my mate Geordie in Singapore has discovered, blogging takes a long time, especially if you want to make it at least half good. (BTW you can check out his also innovately titled blog at geordieinsingapore.blogspot.com).

So what's been going on? Well, a couple of weekends ago I tramped for an hour through foot-high snow on unploughed roads to go to an Argentinian Tango course for 6 hours; last weekend I was Gävle for GeflaSOF with Luhrarne, the uni Big Band for a small bands festival ( a small festival for big bands); Ive bought and used cross+country skis, but only once because of the crappy weather,; practiced with a small jazz sextet for an upcoming concert at a local jazz club; seen someone literally nail his thesis; ate wild boar and watched the 1958 Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas film The Vikings, with some Swedes for historical accuracy checks.

I will have pics up from some of the above soon, but in the meantime, I'll just let you know about a great internet distraction:
http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/ where people report what they overhear on the streets -naturally there's lots of overheard sex talk, but also plenty of stupidness, and the sublimely bizarre, my favourite being:

Chick in stall: Would you ever eat cereal out of my mouth?
Friend in next stall: Well, if I had that background music... Yeah, sure.



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