The Big News

So the big news is, that I have a new job!
I will be working for Rolls Royce Fuel Cells, in Loughborough in the midlands of England as a Cell Development Engineer.
NO, its not these guys, so don't even ask:

But these guys - the company that makes gas turbines and power delivery systems for industry and planes and ships around the world.

So yes, it is more ceramics, and more furnace issues to deal with - I think that is my life's mission: to deal with furnace issues. Furnaces have plagued every job I've had, from my very first summer job at Comalco, through my long time at Monash, and postdocs at CSIRO and Luleå University. This time it will be a long, continuous production furnace at a pilot production plant.
So what's the plan?
1) 6 more days in Luleå, to finish my current work, pack and ship my stuff, say my goodbyes, and cook some food and take one last trip up north with Christina and her parents.
2) 12 days to do some real schwenking in Saarbrucken with Christina.
3) Back to Stockholm for a day, (or possibly Helsinki),
4) days in Bangkok,
5) Home in Aus from the 13th Aug to around the 7th September.
6) Move to England, for at least 5 years. Learn to love mushy peas.
So for now, that's all the news. Lots to organise of course, and little time. Again I hope to catch up with as many of you back home while I am there.
So maybe it will be time to change the blog title also... "living in loughboroughland" also works...
Ciao for now
I look forward to reading your updates when you get settled in loughboroughland (might work as a blog name, but I'm not sure i can pronounce it!!)
Good luck with everyting!!
Minellie, at 6:29 PM
Dear Furnace Whisperer
Congratulations on your new job. I hear that UK has updated their gastronomic delights to join the 1990's, so mushy peas may not be compulsory at this stage. But still better than eating fish that can only be opened underwater - ja!
G, at 5:16 PM
Jippy!! They have a HT-XRD in Linköping as well thats not really working.
Congratulations to the work! Do RR have a HT-XRD?
Will soon mail some questions to you about some samples ;)
Ha de gött!/Axel Knutsson
AK, at 12:46 PM
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