Terrible Trummning
Yaharr me mateys,
Again, I've been getting slack with the posts. Sorry. The reasons are numerous: lots of work to do, including sudden trips to high-resolution TEM's at other universities; I've started seeing Christina, a german giant, which is a definite blogging distraction, and the sun has been out which meant some skiing on the weekends. This in addition to a jazz festival, band concerts parties... and abduction by pirates.
I was going to write was on Lurharne's spring concert, Mr Cool. It went pretty well, but unfortunately, my own performance is nothing to be proud of. I used to hate sitting in band with a bad drummer that slowed down all the time, slowed down even more when changing feel from swing to latin or whatever, or got so excited that every solo or fill sped up. Guess which of the above I did? Yup, all of the above. Listening to the recording was cringeworthy.
Afterwards we had a pirate party. For most people this meant just a teatowel on the head, though some put a lot of effort in. In my case I went as a music pirate, with ethernet cables for sashes, a keyboard for a sword, a webcam for a parrot, a memory stick earring, and evidence of my crime (a burnt cd) as a medallion around my neck. I don't really remember what inspred the harry potter glasses, though I do have a copy of the audiobooks lying around somewhere on c:\...
And for those interested in some great drumming here is a classic video: the legend Buddy Rich vs. Animal from the Muppets
Buddy vs. Jerry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=141o_jwG7cA
And to some snow-stalgia pics. Yes, spring is on its way.