3 Week Old Gimp Drumming
This was from 3 weeks ago, when I was still strapped up, and we had a gig for the opening of a new building here at the Uni. Again, our little Luhranette 6-piece Kent Albinz band did some playing during dinner, followed by the thumping 26 big-gun Luhrarne proper. That meant we also got food, *really* good food - which was amazing because it was by the same chef that does the daily canteen lunch, which rarely raises above 'ordinary'.
In a bit over two weeks we have the biggest night on the Luhrarne calendar - our Spring Concert entitled Mr Cool. As the subtitle says, it will be "a talkshow with an unusually high amount of music, fantastic guests, and sausage". We've got some great songs in there, including a movie-theme medley, some Earth, Wind & Fire, Blood Sweat & Tears, and then there are some...'classics' like the YMCA, Itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polkadot-bikini....
The following day, back by popular demand, Kent Albinz will be playing at Jazzomat again (Sat 24, 3-5pm next to the Central trainstation for anyone who is local). Be there or be qvadrat.
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